We would like to introduce you to Jizdnirady.cz – a Czech website which we have discovered when travelling in Central Europe, mainly in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and used as our trip planner. We thought we should tell this to the backpacking community as well.
All Czech people probably know this one, they use it as their trip planner inside the country. But what we have discovered, is that it works perfectly fine in Slovakia too. What we mean by that is – it has destinations in Slovakia as well as most of other European countries.
Now you would think – “I would just use Google or Rome2Rio as my trip planner”, but the biggest advantage of this tool is that you actually get the precise information on which station you are going from, where are you going to exactly. Not only that, it also shows you the numbers of the platforms!
I did not believe that it will precisely show the platform number even of the smallest villages who only have two or three of them, but it was never wrong – minute to minute, exact platform number all the time.
The tool analyses possible destinations and gives you the results. You can plan direct trips as well as connecting ones. It shows you when exactly you are coming to the next station, which platform, which platform is your next transport leaving from and when.
We have checked and it actually has most of the destinations of Europe. It will not have them all, as it is mainly a tool for Czech people to travel in their country, but it has the data from other countries too. We have tested it in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary and it worked like a clock!

It does not have this posh look as Rome2Rio or similar trip planner but it does the job. If you will use it, do not get confused when you see that it’s in Czech language, you have to press the English or German flag to change it. And even if you would have to use it in Czech – it’s all common sense. You add the location from, location to and press the only button to press. Wait a sec, get the result – done.
We really recommend it!